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Ultimate X 2012 – 18 Feb

ultimate x 2012

Ultimate X 2012 is just a few weeks away and the anticipation is building for the first major contest of the year. The prize money has increased and the set up has changed completely. As with a lot of these bigger contests, the riders are usually last to find out the important info. I fired a few questions over to Markus Museler (Old School Productions), to find out a little more.

Markus Museler

This is the third annual Ultimate X, you must be stoked. How’s the preparation going? Has it gotten easier each year setting everything up?
3rd year of the Event and finally getting some serious momentum which makes all the hard work worth while. Prep is going well, nearly all tied up, just finalising all loose ends and production now to make it a success. Each year gets easier but also increases the stress due to the event needing to be unique and different to keep things fresh.

I’ve heard rumours that it’s not going to be dirt this year for BMX… please explain the set up.
No Dirt for 2012 – Full Park and Street style set up – Thanks to Brent from Pro Ramps. We have had dirt the last few years plus all the other BMX comps we’ve done, so bringing the Park to Cape Town will make many of our local athletes Stoked. Also something cool for the crowd – seeing there has never been a Park comp in CT before at this level.

Ultimate X 2012 - BMX & Skate Park Layout (Final design will be slightly different)

  Is it an invite only entry or can anyone enter the comp?
Due to the time frame of only 1 day event- it’s an invite comp again like 2011. What we are trying to do is get the top BMX Athletes to the event and make the section SA’s top BMX event and comp. Where you work all year to try get the invite and compete. Prize money been raised to R20 000 in 2012. A showcase of the cream of BMX SA!

What about the riders that aren’t going to ride the comp… can they ride the set up and will they pay more for that (R80 seems pretty cheap for all that’s going on)?
There will be a time for other uninvited guys to ride the park – schedule to be released soon on website and social media (www.ultimatex.co.za). R80 gets you in the door and event plus opportunity to session the park after main BMX Comp. We keep the price reasonable and encourage people to come and check out the best action you able to see in Action Sport and Lifestyle. Would rather have bigger numbers with a lower entrance fee than keep people away with unreasonable Entrance!

What riders are confirmed so far?
Most of the usual guys are invited and look like they will all be at the event : the local cats and also a range of dudes from and around SA.
Malcolm Peters
David Rigby
Wayne Reiche
Buddy Chellan
Jason Hood
Greg Illingworth
Stuart / Colin Loudon
Brad Rowlett
Werner Matthee

Thanks for your time gent and good luck with the event.

Here’s a video I made from Ultimate X 2011. Didn’t film any of the comp but you can get a good idea of what the vibe will be like.

about the author


  1. James Brawn

    Setup looks great! I’m going to rape that euro gap rail ledge setup!

  2. greg

    I was thinking the same thing James. The set up looks fun for all types of riding.

  3. James Brawn

    This setup will bring out the Grinders and rail slayers like Whitey, Basil, Killian, Pauly etc that never get a chance to shine against the “whip and flip boys”. I hope Markus has the mini Rail jam I proposed to him. Even if it’s 30mins long. That’s 30mins of pure carnage!

  4. greg

    Rail jams are the shit!

  5. colon

    yarrr this is gona be a dope sesh !!

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